Resepi No bake nutella cheesecake with choc ganache..
Terima Kasih | Raden Galuh
Utk oreo base:
20 ketul oreo (lebih kurang) buang cream tu
5 table spoon butter
4 table spoon nutella
Utk filling cake:
250g cream cheese
Sebotol sederhana nutella
100g cooking choc (any brand pon ok)
Utk ganache topping:
300g cooking choc (baki choc utk filling td)
1/2 kotak kecik whipping cream/double cream
1 sudu besar butter
Choc chip n almond secukup rasa
* Sy guna ni loyang springform size 9 inci. Nk buat kecik2 version cupcake or letak dlm gelas comel kecik pon boleyy. Kita buat dia kan bkn dia buat kita. Hehe✌️
Cara Buat :
Nutella + cream cheese + melted choc (cairkan choc n sejukkan). Mix cream cheese smpai kembang. Masukkan nutella n melted choc. Tuang atas base oreo. Sejukkan dlm fridge around sampai set.

Cooking choc + whipping cream + butter sikit utk kilat. Double boil n sejukkan at room temp sebelum tuang atas kek.

Topped with almond n choc chips. Sejukkan lg dlm fridge around 4 jam.

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